The needs of any Sim are completely filled. In X enter a number of Sims that will be created and will live together with the rest of the characters that live in your home.
The number of frames per second at which The Sims 4 is running appears. In the X value enter the name of a pregnant Sim. In the Y value add the number of twins or triplets that will be gestated, applying a maximum of eight. You will see that some tricks have values with braces : Keys / Codes / Tricks:Īll the Keys / Codes to enter in the Sims 4 Cheats console for PC. To open the Cheat Console press Shift + Control + C at the same time and you will see how the command console opens and then write the desired trick as written below to get the desired effect, and thus take advantage of its advantages. Here are a series of aids and traps in The Sims 4 for PC and that will definitely make the game much easier. As always from Trucoteca we recommend that you try to play without using them to get the most out of the playable experience, although you may be very helpful in obtaining certain Achievements. Be that as it may and as always … you choose, we will show you.
Many years have passed since the mythical ‘ Klapaucius ‘ trick became extremely popular following the success of the first installment of The Sims. The famous code added money to the player’s account, which he could practically invest in whatever he wanted.